Having owned a water distiller for the past decade I would highly recommend anyone who is serious about their health to purchase one without hesitation.
'Firstly, if you assume the water from your tap is in any way clean, filtered, or not loaded with contaminants, you better think again.'
Want proof? Just look at the images and the video within this post for first hand proof of the horrible remnants left behind following the distilling process. I’m not sure what any of that stuff is, but I don’t want to drink it and I’m sure you don’t either.
So what does a Distiller do?
Distillation is the process of purifying a liquid by the action of heating and cooling (sounds a bit like the water cycle to me!). A water distiller works by simply heating up the water to boiling point, the water then turns into steam. The steam is drawn away from the boiling chamber where it cools, condensing into pure water leaving any contaminants behind in the boiling chamber.
'It really is a win-win situation. You not only get the cleanest drinking water possible, but you also save money on buying bottled water, which in turn reduces your plastic footprint because the last thing we need ending up in the oceans is more plastic!'
Plastic Problems
Figures from 2012 show that only 1 in 5 plastic bottles are recycled. Plastic water bottles take between 400-1000 years to decompose and it takes 3 times the amount of water to produce a plastic bottle than it does to fill it. It takes 17 million barrels of oil to produce the annual requirement of plastic bottles – enough to fuel 1 million cars for a whole year! Americans alone are said to use 2.5 million plastic bottles per hour.
'It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish!'
The devastating effect of this has created an Island of plastic waste in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. CNN visited this island called Midway Atoll, the video footage of what they found is truly shocking. A look at the skeletons of some of the dead birds found on the Island uncovers more devastating effects of our overuse of plastic. Inside the skeleton of one Albatross, they found bottle tops and a cigarette lighter among seemingly endless tiny shards of plastic. It's as if plastic actually was the bird's diet.
'These brightly coloured plastic fragments were picked out of the sea by the bird's parents, who mistook them for food, then fed them to their offspring. The birds can't digest the plastic fragments but they still feel full, which causes malnutrition and death.'
Volunteers here have an almost full-time job scooping up the corpses. How heart breaking is that ☹

Tap Water
So how good is the quality of our tap water and bottled water? The bottled water industry has few regulations and standards to follow. Spring waters must be bottled at source and are the most natural of waters on the market. Many spring waters still go through some processing to remove contaminants.
'As for tap water, it is routinely treated with liquefied chlorine, fluorosilicic acid, aluminium sulphate, calcium hydroxide and sodium silicofluoride. Don’t forget tap water travels through pipes laid in the Victorian times, therefore it is highly likely to become contaminated by chemicals and microbes within the pipes such as lead, bacteria and protozoa.'
Typical Tap Water Content:
- Chlorine
- Fluorine compounds
- Trihalomethanes (THMs)
- Salts of:
- arsenic
- radium
- aluminium
- copper
- lead
- mercury
- cadmium
- barium
- Hormones
- Nitrates
- Pesticides
There is a long list of illnesses associated with high levels of the above chemicals in the body. The safety of fluoride in water has been an ongoing debate with the evidence of the science behind it being questionable to say the least.
'Fluoridation of water is banned in all other EU countries. When we drink impure water, the body acts a filter trapping the inorganic minerals and other impurities that are suspended in the water. Long term this will lead to a build-up of toxins in the body.'
Avoid toxic tap water and environment destroying bottled water by purchasing a water distiller and making the purest drinking water possible at home. You will save money, save the environment and you will notice the impact on your health.
Truth or Scare
Distilled water leaches minerals from the body?
There is absolutely no scientific study whatsoever that verifiably demonstrates any leaching of minerals from the body due to drinking distilled water. These scare tactics normally come from people trying to sell you something or water filter companies. The proof is in the pudding, I’m 10 years into drinking distilled water and no problems here. My daughter who is 5 has only ever drunk distilled water and she’s healthy and happy as ever!
We need the minerals from water?
95% of the minerals our body absorbs come from the food we eat. Water is to hydrate not provide minerals. You would have to drink gallons of water to obtain the same amount of minerals you would get from eating a small handful of nuts and seeds.
Is distilled water acidic?
Because distilled water is so pure, if not stored in an airtight container it can absorb small amounts of carbon dioxide from the surrounding air. This may cause the results of a PH test to appear acidic. But the reason for this is that because everything, (either alkaline or acidic) has been eliminated from the water, only a very minuscule amount of any acidic substance, (from the surrounding air for example), will cause a PH scale reading to appear acidic. (A PH scale does not measure how much acid is in water, as it only measures the relative amount of acid vs. alkali.) It is very difficult if not impossible to quantify how much actual acid is contained in distilled water because of this, but it is very safe to say that it is a very, very low amount. So even though a PH reading of distilled water may appear to be a little on the acidic side, the actual amount of acidic substances in distilled water is far less than what is contained in a regular glass of tap water.
Does distillation remove all contaminants?
From my extensive research on the subject, only pesticides could actually pass through the distillation process as their point of evaporation is lower than water. For this reason most distillers have a carbon filter attached to the water output so once the water is distilled it passes through a carbon filter which will remove any pesticide residues.
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