Well Being Blog

Understanding the Hard Wiring of Your Brain - The Negativity Bias

Understanding the Hard Wiring of Your Brain - The Negativity Bias

Ever wondered why criticisms often have a greater impact than compliments? Negative events have a greater impact on our brains than positive ones – this is referred to by psychologists as the ‘negative bias,’ or the ‘negativity bias,’ and this bias plays a major role in every aspect of your life...

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What's in the Water?

What's in the Water?

Who drinks tap water? Most of us I guess, but after you read this and see what's actually in the water that flows from your taps, you might reconsider. See for yourself what's left behind after distilling water.

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Inside Ingredients - MSG

Inside Ingredients - MSG

Monosodium Glutamate is a flavour enhancer found under numerous guises in a vast amount of processed foods and snacks. What effects does it have on our health and does it really stimulate pleasure sensors in the brain to keep us craving for more?

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